Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 7

I went to the 9am CrossFit class and felt pretty good going in, but once the workout started I was dragging serious ass. I had absolutely no gas in the tank. My guess is that the all protein and fat dinner last night was the culprit. I had no stored glucose. Also, I had no breakfast which absolutely contributed to the problem as well. I'll never do that again. However, it was a great learning experience and I know that at sectionals I must have a breakfast in me and digested.

My girlfriend and a few friends wanted to go out somewhere for dinner and they were kind enough to let me pick the restaurant based on my dietary needs. I chose to go to Flat Top Grill. It's a great place that is very friendly for all dietary needs (vegan, allergies, and paleo!). My first bowl was spinach, bell peppers, onions, chives, and garlic water with a heap load of beef. My second bowl was onions, broccoli, peppers, mushrooms with spicy basil lime sauce and a generous amount of chicken. By far the hardest part of the evening was drinking just water and iced tea. Without drinks, I still had a great time and my stomach was very happy (so was my wallet!).

1 comment:

  1. I can't get enough of this video thing you got going on, it is awesome!
